Translating this filter into plain English would be: You could also have an exclusive filter, by blocking anyone who does not reside on a certain server. For example, if you changed include to exclude, you would be allowing e-mail from only those at To edit a filter, simply click the string of the filter, and it will display on the editor at the top. see the above chart for details on filter editing. If you would like to temporarily disable a filter, there is an easier way than deleting it and having to create it all over again. Simply follow the instructions in the above paragraph to edit the filter, uncheck Enable, then click Add/Modify, and the filter will no longer be in place. It will store it in a second chart above the preset filters. To enable the filter again, you can either edit the newly created filter in the second chart and check off Enable, then click Add/Modify; or you can delete the newly created filter by clicking Delete to absolute right of the filter you wish to delete.